Our goal as your practitioner is to encourage a partnership with our patients by creating a safe and honest environment to allow the healing process to occur. Each patient's treatment will be customized toward achieving the healthiest and happiest life possible, getting you out of our office and back to your everyday life as soon as possible. Our treatments will always be targeted to make the best use of your time, never recommending a longer treatment course than is required. We are constantly researching, collaborating, and furthering our education to learn more and to serve your specific individual needs. Our treatments are targeted at the root cause of your ailments rather than aiming for a quick fix. We are humbled to be entrusted with our patients wellness and will always have your best interest in mind!





Acupuncture uses fine needles at certain points on the body’s meridians that are chosen by the practitioner according to the imbalance of the body. The tip of the needle meets the qi, in the meridian in order to create balance between yin and yang, and to promote the free flow of qi.


Cupping is a simple and effective therapeutic technique that warms and moves qi and blood in the meridians. We apply glass cups to the body along muscles, leaving them stationary or sliding them to relax the muscles and sinews. This supplementary treatment is extremely relaxing and akin to the feeling of a deep tissue massage. Cupping can be used for pain, headaches and dizziness, cough, asthma, the common cold and menstrual pain.


Herbal medicine is the therapeutic use of plants, and is prescribed based on the individuals needs. We provide formulas to treat your specific conditions and our herbs are all natural and ethically sourced. Chinese herbs have been proven scientifically to help conditions such as pain, insomnia, hormone balancing and digestion.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Facial acupuncture works to stimulate production of collagen and elastin in the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can also activate flaccid muscles in the face that cause sagging, relax muscles that have become tight, Improve hyperpigmentation from sun damage, heal facial scarring. We use facial acupuncture in conjunction with LED light therapy, facial gua sha and cupping, and microcurrent stimulation


Food is powerful medicine that can illicit positive effects on your health and improve your symptoms. We may suggest adding or removing certain foods in your diet either temporarily or permanently to increase the efficacy of your treatments. We also offer food sensitivity testing to identify triggers in your current diet.

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine draws on advances in Western medicine that allow us to understand what is going on in your body on a cellular and molecular level. We look at the big picture through medical testing and can address deficiencies through supplementation and dietary recommendations. This allows us to address the root problems with your chronic health problems.

Click here for more information regarding pricing and insurance for these individual services


Wellness and Preventative Healthcare

You don’t need to be sick to benefit from acupuncture! We love to support your overall wellness and health, preventing future problems and setting you up for success in your health future. We help provide harmony for minor imbalances, which in turn can prevent illness and keep you healthy so you can live the life you love. Visit us in on the edge of Northwest Denver and Wheat Ridge to see how we can help you!