Turn back the clock naturally with microneedling

Microneedling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, is an advanced anti-aging therapy designed to gently penetrate the skin to stimulate the production of collagen. It effectively and safely improves the overall texture and tone of your skin, leaving you with a vibrant, glowing and naturally younger looking appearance.

Ideal for:

  • Improving the appearance of acne scars

  • Eliminating fine wrinkles

  • Minimizing pore size

  • Improving the appearance of stretch marks

  • Improving alopecia

At Onyx Acupuncture & Integrative Health, we are dedicated to bringing our patients the most exclusive, advanced and safest natural anti-aging therapies. Based on a comprehensive one-on-one consultation with Layne, we will be able to develop a customized microneedling treatment plan for you to ensure that all your aesthetic goals are met.

Microneedling is a minimally-invasive, safe anti aging treatment which, through a hand-held device, employs 12 ultra fine needles to break down the old scar tissue in your skin and stimulate skin cells to produce collagen in the treated area. Not only does this reduce the appearance of fine lines and any unwanted wrinkles, it also encourages improved blood supply, helping you look and feel healthier, younger and much more refreshed.



  • Stimulates blood circulation

  • Encourages the production of collagen

  • Stimulates tissue regeneration

  • Minimally-invasive

  • Requires little or no downtime

  • Can be performed on all skin types

  • Can be used on multiple areas of the face including your scalp and the more delicate skin around your eyes

Number of Treatments:


Depending on the area being treated, a series of 3-6 treatments spread 4-6 weeks apart is recommended to experience the full benefits of microneedling.


It is typical to experience some inflammation, redness and skin peeling for a few days after the treatment. However, these side effects quickly resolve themselves and you will see visible improvements in your skin within one week of the procedure.

Layne will provide you with detailed after-care instructions and personalized recommendations to help you achieve your skin care goals quickly and sustainably. 

Our team at Onyx Acupuncture & Integrative Health in Northwest Denver are constantly seeking new and innovative anti-aging therapies to provide our clients with better, more natural and longer lasting results.

To learn more about microneedling collagen induction therapy or to discover how we can develop a customizable treatment plan based on your specific needs and goals, contact our Wheat Ridge office today at 720-379-7946 or book your consultation today!